
By Zora Neale Hurston
Adaptation and Direction: Elise Thoron
Performed by Cheryl Howard

Elementary students will learn the art of storytelling from celebrated author and anthropologist, Zora Neale Hurston, in her collection of stories Zora Folktales. In this interactive theater performance Zora brings to life folktales and asks students to add to her story collection by creating tales of their own.

The Story
In the 1930's, Zora Neale Hurston returns to her “ative village" of Eatonville, Florida to record the oral histories, sermons and songs, dating back to the time of slavery. In her quest, she finds herself and her history throughout these highly metaphorical folk-tales, “big old lies," and in the lyrical language of song. Through her folktales Hurston helps to reveal a beautiful and important part of American culture.

In Performance
This Literature to Life interactive stage presentation is specifically geared toward elementary age audiences. The performance follows several of the folktales featured in her various compilations, and allows the students to choose what happens next in the action.

Suggested Ages: 7 to 10.